
For my first post, I have received a special gift: Gregangelo contacted me to contribute to YourFavoriteSpot.


Gregangelo was born, grew up and lives in San Francisco and loves his city. As an artist since ever, his mission is to make your dreams come true. Sensitive, thoughtful, generous, playful – I had a wonderful day in his company.

The pumpkin

After the Day of the Dead, it’s the right time to get rid of the pumpkins which got used to ornament our houses or gardens. Gregangelo has his own tradition: we went to Lands End, one of his favorite San Francisco places, with a bunch of friends. Everybody wrote not a wish, but something he wanted to let go and altogether, we threw the pumpkin over the cliff.

The throw
The fall
The balance
The view
The Palace of Fine Arts Theatre

At the end of the day, he told us the stories of his dearest and sponsored building: the Palace of Fine Arts Theatre. The beauty resides not only in its architecture but also in the origin of its creation. It was erected to celebrate, not a war victory but humankind achievement during the simultaneous rebuilding of San Francisco following the devastating 1906 earthquake, and the construction of the Panama Canal. His preferred architectural details are the weeping women who shed the sorrows and fears of the world away and fill the pond with their tears, nurturing the flora and fauna. The monument ultimately symbolizes the San Francisco spirit: freedom, honesty, and beauty.

The passage

The evening was like a psychedelic experiment and Gregangelo opened the doors of his house to enter a world of stories about life regulated by the sun, the moon, the universe, a world of imagination and far beyond up to the encounter with the magical.

The universe

In his home, you can be delighted in the pleasures of profound arts and/or the liberation of nudity: